How Robotics Makes a Positive Impact on Students and Education
How Robotics Makes a Positive Impact on Students and Education
Originally posted Oct 20, 2020
What robotics programs try to implement in schools is a vibrant, engaging, and fun environment in classrooms. Robots can evoke and nurture curiosity in students and bring them closer to hands-on experiential learning.
It is essential that we recognize the future requirements of the tech world and teach students to be competent to handle those requirements. That’s one of the missions that robotics can achieve.
Robotics in the classroom has a plethora of benefits for students and education, and here are some of the ways in which those benefits are showcased.
Robotics Helps with Developing Critical-Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills
Developing the right skills will prepare students for the competitive educational and professional society. Robotics boosts skills that are the foundation of success, such as critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
When working on a robot, students are encouraged to use logic, engineering intuition, and critical thinking. Moreover, they are thought to be led by a strategic problem-solving mindset.
Some robot kits like Rokit Smart are perfect for teaching students to think like engineers. Robolink’s Rokit Smart has a full set of tools for building robots that challenges students to create different robotic creations. With a variety of options, they’ll have to use their critical-thinking and problem-solving skills to build them all.
The mistakes they make in robotics creates room for learning and exploring different possibilities until they come to a solution. Aside from problem-solving and critical-thinking, robotics also stimulates logical and analytical reasoning, higher-order thinking, and computational thinking.
Overall, robotics urges students to develop abilities that are crucial for many professional areas.
Robotics Can Encourage Students to Discover Their Passions
How can students know if robotics interest them if they never gave it a try? Many teachers and parents encourage students to pursue programming and robotics without giving them a chance to decide whether they like it or not.
Introducing robotics in education can help students find their passion early on. Who knows how many children would be natural in robotics, but they never had an opportunity to express their talent.
For example, Robolink’s CoDrone or CoDrone Mini can give students a chance to see their code come to life. By observing the results of their efforts, they can realize that they wish to turn that satisfying feeling of bringing objects to life into a career.
Robotics is a complex field that relies on many different capabilities. Through experimenting with robotics, students can discover their strengths, whether they lie in engineering, programming, math, or interest in innovative technologies such as 3D printing or drones.
Robotics Makes Learning How to Program Fun
Programming is the job of the future. However, students can find it boring and overwhelming if you teach it in a traditional method that relies on theory and abstract notions.
Allowing students to experiment with physical robots and observe the results of their programming effort can change their perception of programming, machine learning, and AI (artificial intelligence).
Take Zumi as an example. Zumi is a self-driving car kit that allows both younger and older children to learn about basic robotics, Python coding, machine learning, and more. It can make learning fun and help with an immediate understanding of students’ mistakes.
With robotics, students can interact with electrical as well as mechanical procedures. Intertwining theoretical learning with a practical application can give them a sense of how fascinating programming can be.
Robotics Provides a Solution for Students Who Can’t Attend School
Students who can’t attend lessons due to physical or health problems won’t be denied of “real school” experience. Educational robotics can ensure that each and every student gets the same educational experience regardless of potential obstacles or student’s inability to attend school.
The solution lies in personal robots. This device can substitute the student in the classroom and provide the student with direct transmission of the classes via a dedicated internal video conferencing system. In addition to using common online tools like Subjecto to help them with writing and homework assignments, students can actually be present for the lessons.
Whether students have a permanent condition that doesn’t allow them to go to school, or they temporarily have to stay at home to recover from surgery, they won’t miss a single lesson.
If students want to learn robotics but can’t attend classes, there is a solution. That’s why options such as Robolink’s Virtual Learning exist. Robolink specifically works with certified coding and engineering instructors that can give any child a chance to learn robotics from their homes.
Robotics Can Improve Learning Experience of Students with Special Needs
Students with special needs can be provided with new levels of learning, thanks to robotics. Their learning path can be customized based on their personal needs. By creating educational content that meets the individual’s requirements, students with special needs will have better opportunities for advancement.
For example, children with autism can interact with special technological devices that will form their responses based on students’ actions and reactions. Consequently, students’ social and communication skills will enhance.
Robot-assisted therapy for autism has already been put in motion, and the Nao robot is proof. This two-foot-tall robot can talk, walk, dance, and engage kids in many activities that improve their ability to maintain appropriate eye contact and read facial expressions.
Jonah Colson, a robotics and ROS developer, contributor writer at SupremeDissertations and BestEssaysEducation, and special needs assistant, explained how robotics can also help students with attention disorders. “Specially designed robots can act as constant companions for students with attention disorders. Through this experience, children can learn how to stay focused as the robot will ensure to keep their attention,” said Jonah.
Robotics Can Teach Teamwork
When properly conducted, robotics promotes a culture of teamwork. Working in groups to put their robot projects in motion will give students valuable lessons in teamwork.
Robolink encourages group work even through their previously-mentioned Virtual Learning possibility. They offer virtual group classes as they recognize the value of teamwork.
Robotics can help students realize the importance of relying on others, respecting their ideas, and valuing everyone’s contribution. Moreover, they will learn how to listen to others and communicate their ideas.
All of these skills can help them further in life, whether they are interested in robotics or not. Learning how to show respect for their team and recognize the power of collaboration can be an immeasurable life lesson.
Final Thoughts
Robotics has the power to make education more meaningful and relevant to the future needs of society. It embraces bringing high-quality and interactive learning to schools. Additionally, it boosts students’ skills and knowledge that are necessary for their personal and educational development.
With robotics, students can identify their areas of interest, build informed career paths, and work on reaching their full potential. Robotics in education can help with shaping technology leaders for tomorrow.
Marques Coleman is a professional writer who specializes in technology and education. Marques is cooperating with some of the top essay writing websites, including EssayAssistant, TopEssayWriting, ClassyEssay, TrustMyPaper, where he uses his practical industry skills to help students write research papers. When he is not working, Marques dedicates his free time to educate himself on innovative technological changes in education by attending conferences and interviewing leading experts in the industry of technology and education.