Originally posted Jan 19, 2021
At Robolink, we focus on teaching STEM in a fun and meaningful way. The skills our students learn help them choose college majors, gain scholarships, and build the foundation needed to guide their path into future careers.

This week, we would like to feature our student Holly, who designed a program that replicated the CoDrone Mini underwater, gaining her a merit scholarship to attend her preferred college.

Tell us about your project using the CoDrone Mini.
Holly created a program that simulated the bob-in-water motion with the CoDrone Mini. “I made it so the drone would fly as though it were in water.”
What inspired you to use the CoDrone Mini?
“I was in a summer camp… I had interest in it.” Holly spent a week at Robolink’s virtual summer program, where students learn Blockly and Python coding using the CoDrone Mini.
What challenges did you face when coding the CoDrone Mini to replicate it being under water?
“Getting it to go back to the correct height.” Holly spent the week learning how to code and came up with her own original program that accurately simulated the drone’s adaptation to water.

How did your instructor help you through this journey?
“I did not previously have any experience with drones.” Robolink’s instructor Joe, taught Holly how to code the CoDrone Mini. Holly spent extra care on her program to make sure she had a final prototype ready for the last day of camp. Joe says “The code worked really well!”
Got any hot tips for anyone that wants to follow in your footsteps?
“Make a (guide/blueprint) to reference.” Planning ahead is the key to a successful project. Holly carefully planned every step so she could focus on what’s important. She also made sure to keep her work so she could show it in her college interview. The skills learned at camp show college recruiters that the student is very focused on their major and would be a great addition to their college.
We wish Holly the best on her future STEM career. From 1hr webinars, to online private tutoring, to college counseling, we’re here to help guide our students futures!